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在2019 年 3月10日-12日,由中国(广州)国际美博会、中华全国工商业联合会美容化妆品业商会皮肤管理教育专业委员会、亚洲皮肤美容协会以及中国国际皮肤管理大赛组织委员会联合举办的第七届中国国际皮肤管理大赛在广州圆满落幕。本次大赛以“致美青春梦”为主题,旨在为“美业追梦人”打造更具中国特色的美业皮肤管理大赛,推动民族美业的的蓬勃发展。





韩国Der Meiren 化妆袋式化妆品引人瞩目

以化妆袋的形态代替化妆品容器,节约成本的“化妆袋式化妆品”备受瞩目。韩国JWAYINT公司的化妆袋式化妆品品牌韩国Der Meiren便是其主人公。韩国Der Meiren最大的特点在于其摆脱了现有化妆品的包装,将30克商品装入化妆袋形态容器内,推向市场。


众所周知,维生素C是具有缓解肌肤炎症过敏,减少皱纹,美白等作用的有益成分。但其氧化作用强,具有刺激性,因此很难制作成化妆品。韩国MISOWEOL公司制成含有维生素C的面膜--韩国“LEMONA 维生素面膜”,备受瞩目。

Application of CYCJET LF Series Laser Printer in Can Making Industry

Abstract: Fiber fly laser printers are widely used in the canning industry. In the past ten years, due to the harsh requirements of environmental protection and the shortage of resources, the global metal can material industry, metal can industry and metal packaging industry have developed rapidly. The application fields of metal cans are gradually expanding, and the competition among can manufact

IMAS Special Training Camp Opens to Cultivate Elite Traders in 3 Months

Abstract: Recently IMAS(Investment methods and Strategies)opens its a specail training camp of foreign exchange, in which the curriculum mainly includes theory training+practical guidance about fundamental analysis, technical analysis, trading mentality, market trends, risk control and so on. The curriculum targets to solve the problem, and tailors to individual trading methods, to cultivate a new

Best investment in Asia 2019

China is now the world's second largest economy (and the largest if measured in PPP terms). China's economic miracle is the greatest development experiment in human history. “The 19th century may have belonged to England and the 20 century to the United States, but the 21st century belongs to China”, says American investor Jim Rogers.

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